"Wuala nu Orukula"
Sowing and harvesting,
Association for the Promotion of Self-Help Initiative in Africa
§1 Name, seat, register of associations
- Name: "Wuala nu Orukula" sowing and reaping, Association for the Promotion of Self-Help Initiative in Africa
- Office: Heitersheim
- Register of Associations: The Association shall i.Br. in the register Freiburg be registered
§2 financial year
- Fiscal year is the calendar year.
§3 Purpose
The purpose of the association is to carry out small projects of development cooperation in Africa with a focus on South East Africa, organized within local organizations or international non-profit NRO's (non - governmental organizations).
The purpose is achieved in particular by
the implementation of projects and measures,
the promotion of education, education, training and further education are,
The help themselves serve,
serve the preservation and maintenance of cultural and artistic activities,
which serve to improve the living conditions of certain vulnerable target groups,
which serve the conservation and environmental protection,
relating to the maintenance and promotion of health,
the improving food situation are,
the adapted to the research and promotion of technology in Africa serve.
the organization of information events and public relations of the purposes of the association,
the procurement and transfer of funds within the meaning of § 58 no. 1 AO.
In addition, the club can make the moral and financial support of other tax-privileged corporations, from public bodies to ideal and material promotion and maintenance of development cooperation within the meaning of § 58 no. 1 AO in terms of a development association.
§4 profit
The association pursues the implementation of §3 exclusively non-profit and charitable purposes within the meaning of section "tax-privileged purposes of the Tax Code (AO)".
The Association is active, it does not pursue its own economic purposes.
The funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members receive no benefits from the association.
No person may benefit from expenses that are the purpose of the corporation alien, or by disproportionately high remuneration.
§5 Membership
The association has full members, associate members and young members.
Each member has to pay contributions. The contribution rate to be determined in the General Assembly.
Full members are individuals who agree with the purposes and objectives of the association.
Supporting members will be able to:
natural and legal persons who financially the club purposes or
support other ways,
legal persons or as an institution in the field of development policy
of education work in this area.
Supporting members have for the election of the Board neither the active nor the passive right to vote.
Membership applications should be sent in writing to the Board. Membership is justified by the recognition of the statute and objectives of the association as well as the payment of the membership fee.
On the admission of a person decides the managing committee in detail.
The membership expires by
voluntary resignation (in writing, with immediate effect without premium refunds)
in case of non payment of annual dues after one written reminder,
in damaging and criminal acts of a member to the club or for gross infringements of the Statutes,
in case of death of the member.
About the exclusion of a member from the association chooses the managing committee. Expulsion shall be evicted without notice or compensation claims on the part of the member.
§ 6 Rights and Obligations
Participation in the events of the association,
Choice voting for full members (non-transferable) and young members aged 16 and over,
After completion of 18 years each full member can be elected to the managing committee.
Promotion of the association by forces,
Omission all damaging action against the association,
Timely payment of the contribution,
For activities, the Chairman or his deputy must be informed.
§ 7 Bodies of the association
The Member Assembly
The managing committee
The General Assembly may decide to form additional association bodies.
§8 General Assembly
Ordinary General Meeting
Every year there is a regular general meeting. The appointment will be decided by the Executive Board and previously given in writing eight weeks known.
Agenda on the part of the members should be entered in writing at least two weeks before the general meeting to the Board. Received late will not be accepted.
Emergency motions to make an exception. (Whether an application is an urgent request, decides the general meeting).
Agenda items (requests) are taken by simple majority of members present.
For an amendment requires a 2/3 majority of the members present.
The managing committee shall be exonerated in the Ordinary General Meeting by the Members.
The minutes of the meeting shall be signed by the board and the secretary.
Extraordinary general meetings shall be convened by the Board,
when the club interest so requires,
or if at least one quarter of the full members of a relevant written request with details of the agenda item provides the Board.
You must be given at least two weeks in advance in writing, stating the place and time agenda.
§9 managing committee
consists of:
A chairman
a representative
a treasurer
a representative
a secretary
a deputy
another Member
The members of the managing committee are elected for two years. However, they shall remain in office until a new managing committee is elected. The re-election of the managing committee is possible.
The audit is carried out by two members of the association, which are determined in the General Assembly.
The dismissal of a board member or the entire organization leadership is made possible by a general meeting with 2/3 majority of those present in this meeting needs to be a new election.
The managing committee meets periodically to committee meetings. The managing committee has a quorum if at least 4 members are present.
§10 tasks of the board members
The Management Board in accordance with § 26 of the German Civil Code is the chairman and the deputy. Each of them is authorized to represent. The board represents the association judicially and extrajudicially, and informed the managing committee on the activities known to him.
The treasurer and his deputy get the money transactions and manage the association's assets by order of the board, lead the list of members, monitor the inputs of the members contributions, lead on the revenue and expenditure and on the arrears of contributions book.
The secretary and his deputy do the record, the current course of business as part of their responsibilities correspondence. The Secretary is authorized to sign under normal correspondence.
Each board member will do the duties incumbent on business, with extraordinary business he needed the signature of the chairman or his deputy.
§11 Dissolution
- The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general meeting, on the agenda item, the resolution of the Statute is in compliance with the corresponding period (§5). The resolution requires a 2/3 majority of the General Assembly.
- Upon dissolution of the association or withdrawal of its tax-privileged purpose the association's assets are subject to a tax-privileged association, which pursues the objectives set out in Section 3 and must use the supplied turning assets exclusively and directly tax-privileged purposes. The corporation will be determined in the resolution meeting by a simple majority of the members present. If this is not possible, the assets go to the church of the club seat that has exclusively and directly to use it for profit.
- Decisions on the future use of the assets may be implemented after the approval of the tax office.